About us
Can you help Queer Britain launch the museum LGBTQ+ people have always deserved, as exciting and innovative as our beautiful and diverse communities? It won’t happen without you.
It couldn’t be easier: Either press the Donate button, or have some fun and click the Fundraise For Us button.
And if you are able to commit to a monthly gift of £50 or more, we'll thank you by sending you a pack of exclusive Queer Britain postcards.
Thank you!
"I've donated to Queer Britain because LGBTQ+ history is being lost, and I want my children and grandchildren to grow up in a world where everyone's heritage is valued and celebrated"
Carolyn Ward, Queer Britain's Founding Patron-Ambassador
For more information, see queerbritain.org.uk
Please note: Queer Britain is in the process of registering with the Charity Commission, so Gift Aid rules do not yet apply.